9 works found
Refine Search:   Art Gallery of Alberta   Brown, Lorna; Moser, Gabrielle   Thom, Ian M.   Various   English   Farsi   Art, Canadian--21st century--Exhibitions   Baker Lake--artists   Eastcott, Wayne   Harris, Lawren   Lexier, Micah   Prints, Canadian--Exhibitions   Vancouver Art Gallery--Exhibitions

The Piano

Art Gallery of Alberta, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery. Canadian Catalogues, Alberta: 2015. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Sites of Assembly

Brown, Lorna; Moser, Gabrielle, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery. Canadian Catalogues,Morris and Helen Art Gallery: 2017. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Lyndal Osbourne: Bowerbird: Life as Art

Crowston, Catherine, Art Gallery of Alberta. Canadian Catalogues, Alberta: 2014. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Hope At Dawn: Watercolours by Emily Carr and Charles John Collings

Thom, Ian M.. Canadian Catalogues, Vancouver Region: 2012. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Robert Young: Prints/Gravures

Thom, Ian M., Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Canadian Catalogues, AGGV (Victoria): 1981. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Ann Kipling

Thom, Ian M., Laurence, Robin, Tousley, Nancy. Canadian Catalogues, Vancouver Art Gallery: 1995. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Gordon Smith: The Printed Picture

Thom, Ian M., Tovell, Rosemarie, Burnaby Art Gallery. Canadian Catalogues, Burnaby Art Gallery: 2009. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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4th national Burnaby print show.

Various, Burnaby Art Gallery. Canadian Catalogues, Burnaby Art Gallery: n.d. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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Straight from the Pile: Contemporary Rococo Sculpture

Various, Shilling, Grant, Burnaby Art Gallery. Canadian Catalogues, Burnaby Art Gallery: 1993. (Exhibit Catalogue)

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