1st of 13 works found
Little Tom
Graham, Colin
Little Tom
35.3cm height x 53.2cm width
Accession Number
Permanent Collection
Gift of Ilana Aloni
Colin Graham R.C.A. was born in Vancouver in 1915. He studied Medieval History at the University of Cambridge and received his BA in 1939. He completed his M.A. in Art from the University of California in Berkeley in 1948. Following graduation, he took a position as a lecturer at the California School of Fine Arts. From 1949 to 1951 he was the Director of Education at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. In 1951 he moved back to Canada and became Director of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria from which position he retired in 1973 when he began painting. He was given an Honorary LL.D. by the University of Victoria in 1978. His first one-man exhibition was held in Kyle’s Gallery, Victoria in 1980. Colin Graham was a member of the esteemed Vancouver Island painters’ group The Limners, whose members included Maxwell Bates, Richard Ciccimarra and fifteen others. His work is represented in the collections of the University of Victoria, the Whatcom County Museum of Art, Bellingham, and the Burke Memorial Museum of the University of Washington, as well as in many private collections in Canada and the U.S.A.